Parametric bootstrap for mixed-effects models


Phillip Alday, Douglas Bates, and Reinhold Kliegl



The speed of MixedModels.jl relative to its predecessors makes the parametric bootstrap much more computationally tractable. This is valuable because the parametric bootstrap can be used to produce more accurate confidence intervals than methods based on standard errors or profiling of the likelihood surface.

This page is adapted from the MixedModels.jl docs

The parametric bootstrap

Bootstrapping is a family of procedures for generating sample values of a statistic, allowing for visualization of the distribution of the statistic or for inference from this sample of values. Bootstrapping also belongs to a larger family of procedures called resampling, which are based on creating new samples of data from an existing one, then computing statistics on the new samples, in order to examine the distribution of the relevant statistics.

A parametric bootstrap is used with a parametric model, m, that has been fit to data. The procedure is to simulate n response vectors from m using the estimated parameter values and refit m to these responses in turn, accumulating the statistics of interest at each iteration.

The parameters of a LinearMixedModel object are the fixed-effects parameters, β, the standard deviation, σ, of the per-observation noise, and the covariance parameter, θ, that defines the variance-covariance matrices of the random effects. A technical description of the covariance parameter can be found in the MixedModels.jl docs. Lisa Schwetlick and Daniel Backhaus have provided a more beginner-friendly description of the covariance parameter in the documentation for MixedModelsSim.jl. For today’s purposes – looking at the uncertainty in the estimates from a fitted model – we can simply use values from the fitted model, but we will revisit the parametric bootstrap as a convenient way to simulate new data, potentially with different parameter values, for power analysis.

For example, a simple linear mixed-effects model for the Dyestuff data in the lme4 package for R is fit by

using AlgebraOfGraphics
using CairoMakie
using DataFrames
using MixedModels
using MixedModelsMakie
using ProgressMeter
using Random

using AlgebraOfGraphics: AlgebraOfGraphics as AoG
CairoMakie.activate!(; type="svg") # use SVG (other options include PNG)

Note that the precise stream of random numbers generated for a given seed can change between Julia versions. For exact reproducibility, you either need to have the exact same Julia version or use the StableRNGs package.

A model of moderate complexity

The kb07 data (Kronmüller & Barr, 2007) are one of the datasets provided by the MixedModels package.

kb07 = MixedModels.dataset(:kb07)
Arrow.Table with 1789 rows, 7 columns, and schema:
 :subj      String
 :item      String
 :spkr      String
 :prec      String
 :load      String
 :rt_trunc  Int16
 :rt_raw    Int16

Convert the table to a DataFrame for summary.

kb07 = DataFrame(kb07)

7 rows × 7 columns


The experimental factors; spkr, prec, and load, are two-level factors.

contrasts = Dict(:spkr => EffectsCoding(),
                 :prec => EffectsCoding(),
                 :load => EffectsCoding(),
                 :subj => Grouping(),
                 :item => Grouping())
Dict{Symbol, StatsModels.AbstractContrasts} with 5 entries:
  :item => Grouping()
  :spkr => EffectsCoding(nothing, nothing)
  :load => EffectsCoding(nothing, nothing)
  :prec => EffectsCoding(nothing, nothing)
  :subj => Grouping()

The EffectsCoding contrast is used with these to create a ±1 encoding. Furthermore, Grouping constrasts are assigned to the subj and item factors. This is not a contrast per-se but an indication that these factors will be used as grouping factors for random effects and, therefore, there is no need to create a contrast matrix. For large numbers of levels in a grouping factor, an attempt to create a contrast matrix may cause memory overflow.

It is not important in these cases but a good practice in any case.

We can look at an initial fit of moderate complexity:

form = @formula(rt_trunc ~ 1 + spkr * prec * load +
                          (1 + spkr + prec + load | subj) +
                          (1 + spkr + prec + load | item))
m0 = fit(MixedModel, form, kb07; contrasts)
Minimizing 934   Time: 0:00:01 ( 1.60 ms/it)
  objective:  28637.97101024215
Est. SE z p σ_subj σ_item
(Intercept) 2181.6424 77.3512 28.20 <1e-99 301.8676 362.4694
spkr: old 67.7496 17.9607 3.77 0.0002 33.0524 41.1185
prec: maintain -333.9200 47.1564 -7.08 <1e-11 58.8607 247.3292
load: yes 78.8007 19.7260 3.99 <1e-04 66.9505 43.3885
spkr: old & prec: maintain -21.9960 15.8191 -1.39 0.1644
spkr: old & load: yes 18.3832 15.8191 1.16 0.2452
prec: maintain & load: yes 4.5327 15.8191 0.29 0.7745
spkr: old & prec: maintain & load: yes 23.6377 15.8191 1.49 0.1351
Residual 669.0516

The default display in Quarto uses the pretty MIME show method for the model and omits the estimated correlations of the random effects.

The VarCorr extractor displays these.

Column Variance Std.Dev Corr.
subj (Intercept) 91124.0779 301.8676
spkr: old 1092.4628 33.0524 +1.00
prec: maintain 3464.5848 58.8607 -0.62 -0.62
load: yes 4482.3662 66.9505 +0.36 +0.36 +0.51
item (Intercept) 131384.0733 362.4694
spkr: old 1690.7347 41.1185 +0.42
prec: maintain 61171.7458 247.3292 -0.69 +0.37
load: yes 1882.5594 43.3885 +0.29 +0.14 -0.13
Residual 447630.0111 669.0516

None of the two-factor or three-factor interaction terms in the fixed-effects are significant. In the random-effects terms only the scalar random effects and the prec random effect for item appear to be warranted, leading to the reduced formula

# formula f4 from
form = @formula(rt_trunc ~ 1 + spkr * prec * load + (1 | subj) + (1 + prec | item))

m1 = fit(MixedModel, form, kb07; contrasts)
Est. SE z p σ_item σ_subj
(Intercept) 2181.7582 77.4709 28.16 <1e-99 364.7286 298.1109
spkr: old 67.8114 16.0526 4.22 <1e-04
prec: maintain -333.8582 47.4629 -7.03 <1e-11 252.6687
load: yes 78.6849 16.0525 4.90 <1e-06
spkr: old & prec: maintain -21.8802 16.0525 -1.36 0.1729
spkr: old & load: yes 18.3214 16.0526 1.14 0.2537
prec: maintain & load: yes 4.4710 16.0526 0.28 0.7806
spkr: old & prec: maintain & load: yes 23.5219 16.0525 1.47 0.1428
Residual 678.9318
Column Variance Std.Dev Corr.
item (Intercept) 133026.916 364.729
prec: maintain 63841.497 252.669 -0.70
subj (Intercept) 88870.081 298.111
Residual 460948.432 678.932

These two models are nested and can be compared with a likelihood-ratio test.

MixedModels.likelihoodratiotest(m0, m1)
model-dof deviance χ² χ²-dof P(>χ²)
rt_trunc ~ 1 + spkr + prec + load + spkr & prec + spkr & load + prec & load + spkr & prec & load + (1 | subj) + (1 + prec | item) 13 28658
rt_trunc ~ 1 + spkr + prec + load + spkr & prec + spkr & load + prec & load + spkr & prec & load + (1 + spkr + prec + load | subj) + (1 + spkr + prec + load | item) 29 28638 21 16 0.1979

The p-value of approximately 14% leads us to prefer the simpler model, m1, to the more complex, m0.

Bootstrap basics

To bootstrap the model parameters, first initialize a random number generator then create a bootstrap sample

const RNG = MersenneTwister(42)
samp = parametricbootstrap(RNG, 1_000, m1)
df = DataFrame(samp.allpars)
first(df, 10)

10 rows × 5 columns

21βmissingspkr: old71.6398
31βmissingprec: maintain-268.333
41βmissingload: yes75.1566
51βmissingspkr: old & prec: maintain-17.8459
61βmissingspkr: old & load: yes-1.90968
71βmissingprec: maintain & load: yes13.1018
81βmissingspkr: old & prec: maintain & load: yes37.19
101σitemprec: maintain199.692

Especially for those with a background in R or pandas, the simplest way of accessing the parameter estimates in the parametric bootstrap object is to create a DataFrame from the allpars property as shown above.

We can use subset to subset out relevant rows of a dataframe. A density plot of the estimates of σ, the residual standard deviation, can be created as

σres = subset(df, :type => ByRow(==("σ")), :group => ByRow(==("residual")); skipmissing=true)

plt = data(σres) * mapping(:value) * AoG.density()
draw(plt; axis=(;title="Parametric bootstrap estimates of σ"))

A density plot of the estimates of the standard deviation of the random effects is obtained as

σsubjitem = subset(df, :type => ByRow(==("σ")), :group => ByRow(!=("residual")); skipmissing=true)

plt = data(σsubjitem) * mapping(:value; layout=:names, color=:group) * AoG.density()
draw(plt; figure=(;supertitle="Parametric bootstrap estimates of variance components"))

The bootstrap sample can be used to generate intervals that cover a certain percentage of the bootstrapped values. We refer to these as “coverage intervals”, similar to a confidence interval. The shortest such intervals, obtained with the shortestcovint extractor, correspond to a highest posterior density interval in Bayesian inference.

We generate these for all random and fixed effects:

13-element Vector{NamedTuple{(:type, :group, :names, :lower, :upper)}}:
 (type = "β", group = missing, names = "(Intercept)", lower = 2028.4504684663298, upper = 2335.498038554574)
 (type = "β", group = missing, names = "spkr: old", lower = 33.90584062173727, upper = 97.10171233641093)
 (type = "β", group = missing, names = "prec: maintain", lower = -420.9759788935399, upper = -246.9263080177159)
 (type = "β", group = missing, names = "load: yes", lower = 49.939730827892056, upper = 108.72371421725681)
 (type = "β", group = missing, names = "spkr: old & prec: maintain", lower = -52.84340405357466, upper = 8.707634564888837)
 (type = "β", group = missing, names = "spkr: old & load: yes", lower = -11.990358739323007, upper = 49.09084416150385)
 (type = "β", group = missing, names = "prec: maintain & load: yes", lower = -25.207700054695998, upper = 36.98654156979304)
 (type = "β", group = missing, names = "spkr: old & prec: maintain & load: yes", lower = -5.885146326787089, upper = 54.77034471400362)
 (type = "σ", group = "item", names = "(Intercept)", lower = 267.2821884396632, upper = 462.8203408672154)
 (type = "σ", group = "item", names = "prec: maintain", lower = 178.1489090587561, upper = 316.2287416548999)
 (type = "ρ", group = "item", names = "(Intercept), prec: maintain", lower = -0.9058618744930751, upper = -0.4813912713068965)
 (type = "σ", group = "subj", names = "(Intercept)", lower = 231.87615523560174, upper = 356.151666966933)
 (type = "σ", group = "residual", names = missing, lower = 653.5649114745823, upper = 700.7662324102956)

and convert it to a dataframe:


13 rows × 5 columns

2βmissingspkr: old33.905897.1017
3βmissingprec: maintain-420.976-246.926
4βmissingload: yes49.9397108.724
5βmissingspkr: old & prec: maintain-52.84348.70763
6βmissingspkr: old & load: yes-11.990449.0908
7βmissingprec: maintain & load: yes-25.207736.9865
8βmissingspkr: old & prec: maintain & load: yes-5.8851554.7703
10σitemprec: maintain178.149316.229
11ρitem(Intercept), prec: maintain-0.905862-0.481391
  data(samp.β) * mapping(:β; color=:coefname) * AoG.density();
  figure=(; resolution=(800, 450)),

For the fixed effects, MixedModelsMakie provides a convenience interface to plot the combined coverage intervals and density plots


Often the intercept will be on a different scale and potentially less interesting, so we can stop it from being included in the plot:

ridgeplot(samp; show_intercept=false, xlabel="Bootstrap density and 95%CI")


Let’s consider the classic dysetuff dataset:

dyestuff = MixedModels.dataset(:dyestuff)
mdye = fit(MixedModel, @formula(yield ~ 1 + (1 | batch)), dyestuff)
Est. SE z p σ_batch
(Intercept) 1527.5000 17.6946 86.33 <1e-99 37.2603
Residual 49.5101
sampdye = parametricbootstrap(MersenneTwister(1234321), 10_000, mdye)
dfdye = DataFrame(sampdye.allpars)
first(dfdye, 10)
┌ Warning: NLopt was roundoff limited
└ @ MixedModels /home/phillip/.julia/packages/MixedModels/1FpDN/src/optsummary.jl:180
┌ Warning: NLopt was roundoff limited
└ @ MixedModels /home/phillip/.julia/packages/MixedModels/1FpDN/src/optsummary.jl:180
┌ Warning: NLopt was roundoff limited
└ @ MixedModels /home/phillip/.julia/packages/MixedModels/1FpDN/src/optsummary.jl:180
┌ Warning: NLopt was roundoff limited
└ @ MixedModels /home/phillip/.julia/packages/MixedModels/1FpDN/src/optsummary.jl:180
┌ Warning: NLopt was roundoff limited
└ @ MixedModels /home/phillip/.julia/packages/MixedModels/1FpDN/src/optsummary.jl:180

10 rows × 5 columns

σbatch = subset(dfdye, :type => ByRow(==("σ")), :group => ByRow(==("batch")); skipmissing=true)

plt = data(σbatch) * mapping(:value) * AoG.density()
draw(plt; axis=(;title="Parametric bootstrap estimates of σ_batch"))

Notice that this density plot has a spike, or mode, at zero. Although this mode appears to be diffuse, this is an artifact of the way that density plots are created. In fact, it is a pulse, as can be seen from a histogram.

plt = data(σbatch) * mapping(:value) * AoG.histogram(;bins=100)
draw(plt; axis=(;title="Parametric bootstrap estimates of σ_batch"))

A value of zero for the standard deviation of the random effects is an example of a singular covariance. It is easy to detect the singularity in the case of a scalar random-effects term. However, it is not as straightforward to detect singularity in vector-valued random-effects terms.

For example, if we bootstrap a model fit to the sleepstudy data

sleepstudy = MixedModels.dataset(:sleepstudy)
msleep = fit(MixedModel, @formula(reaction ~ 1 + days + (1 + days | subj)),
Est. SE z p σ_subj
(Intercept) 251.4051 6.6323 37.91 <1e-99 23.7805
days 10.4673 1.5022 6.97 <1e-11 5.7168
Residual 25.5918
sampsleep = parametricbootstrap(MersenneTwister(666), 10_000, msleep);
dfsleep = DataFrame(sampsleep.allpars);
first(dfsleep, 10)

10 rows × 5 columns

51ρsubj(Intercept), days0.233383

the singularity can be exhibited as a standard deviation of zero or as a correlation of ±1.


6 rows × 5 columns

5ρsubj(Intercept), days-0.4116651.0

A histogram of the estimated correlations from the bootstrap sample has a spike at +1.

ρs = subset(dfsleep, :type => ByRow(==("ρ")), :group => ByRow(==("subj")); skipmissing=true)
plt = data(ρs) * mapping(:value) * AoG.histogram(;bins=100)
draw(plt; axis=(;title="Parametric bootstrap samples of correlation of random effects"))

or, as a count,

count(ρs.value .≈ 1)

Close examination of the histogram shows a few values of -1.

count(ρs.value .≈ -1)

Furthermore there are even a few cases where the estimate of the standard deviation of the random effect for the intercept is zero.

σs = subset(dfsleep, :type => ByRow(==("σ")), :group => ByRow(==("subj")), :names => ByRow(==("(Intercept)")); skipmissing=true)
count(σs.value .≈ 0)

There is a general condition to check for singularity of an estimated covariance matrix or matrices in a bootstrap sample. The parameter optimized in the estimation is θ, the relative covariance parameter. Some of the elements of this parameter vector must be non-negative and, when one of these components is approximately zero, one of the covariance matrices will be singular.

The issingular method for a MixedModel object that tests if a parameter vector θ corresponds to a boundary or singular fit.

This operation is encapsulated in a method for the issingular function that works on MixedModelBootstrap objects.



Kronmüller, E., & Barr, D. J. (2007). Perspective-free pragmatics: Broken precedents and the recovery-from-preemption hypothesis. Journal of Memory and Language, 56(3), 436–455.