Bootstrapping a fitted model


Phillip Alday, Douglas Bates, and Reinhold Kliegl



Begin by loading the packages to be used.

using AlgebraOfGraphics
using CairoMakie
using DataFrames
using MixedModels
using ProgressMeter
using Random
using SMLP2023: dataset

CairoMakie.activate!(; type="svg")


1 Data set and model

The kb07 data (Kronmüller & Barr, 2007) are one of the datasets provided by the MixedModels package.

kb07 = dataset(:kb07)
Arrow.Table with 1789 rows, 7 columns, and schema:
 :subj      String
 :item      String
 :spkr      String
 :prec      String
 :load      String
 :rt_trunc  Int16
 :rt_raw    Int16

Convert the table to a DataFrame for summary.

7×7 DataFrame
Row variable mean min median max nmissing eltype
Symbol Union… Any Union… Any Int64 DataType
1 subj S030 S103 0 String
2 item I01 I32 0 String
3 spkr new old 0 String
4 prec break maintain 0 String
5 load no yes 0 String
6 rt_trunc 2182.2 579 1940.0 5171 0 Int16
7 rt_raw 2226.24 579 1940.0 15923 0 Int16

The experimental factors; spkr, prec, and load, are two-level factors. The EffectsCoding contrast is used with these to create a \(\pm1\) encoding. Furthermore, Grouping contrasts are assigned to the subj and item factors. This is not a contrast per-se but an indication that these factors will be used as grouping factors for random effects and, therefore, there is no need to create a contrast matrix. For large numbers of levels in a grouping factor, an attempt to create a contrast matrix may cause memory overflow.

It is not important in these cases but a good practice in any case.

contrasts = merge(
  Dict(nm => EffectsCoding() for nm in (:spkr, :prec, :load)),
  Dict(nm => Grouping() for nm in (:subj, :item)),

The display of an initial model fit

kbm01 = let
  form = @formula(
    rt_trunc ~
      1 +
      spkr * prec * load +
      (1 + spkr + prec + load | subj) +
      (1 + spkr + prec + load | item)
  fit(MixedModel, form, kb07; contrasts)
Minimizing 874    Time: 0:00:01 ( 1.38 ms/it)
  objective:  28637.971010073215
Est. SE z p σ_subj σ_item
(Intercept) 2181.6424 77.3515 28.20 <1e-99 301.8721 362.4695
spkr: old 67.7496 17.9607 3.77 0.0002 33.0588 41.1159
prec: maintain -333.9200 47.1563 -7.08 <1e-11 58.8512 247.3299
load: yes 78.8007 19.7269 3.99 <1e-04 66.9526 43.3991
spkr: old & prec: maintain -21.9960 15.8191 -1.39 0.1644
spkr: old & load: yes 18.3832 15.8191 1.16 0.2452
prec: maintain & load: yes 4.5327 15.8191 0.29 0.7745
spkr: old & prec: maintain & load: yes 23.6377 15.8191 1.49 0.1351
Residual 669.0515

does not include the estimated correlations of the random effects.

The VarCorr extractor displays these.

Column Variance Std.Dev Corr.
subj (Intercept) 91126.7545 301.8721
spkr: old 1092.8862 33.0588 +1.00
prec: maintain 3463.4603 58.8512 -0.62 -0.62
load: yes 4482.6493 66.9526 +0.36 +0.36 +0.51
item (Intercept) 131384.1084 362.4695
spkr: old 1690.5210 41.1159 +0.42
prec: maintain 61172.0781 247.3299 -0.69 +0.37
load: yes 1883.4785 43.3991 +0.29 +0.14 -0.13
Residual 447629.9270 669.0515

None of the two-factor or three-factor interaction terms in the fixed-effects are significant. In the random-effects terms only the scalar random effects and the prec random effect for item appear to be warranted, leading to the reduced formula

kbm02 = let
  form = @formula(
    rt_trunc ~
      1 + spkr + prec + load + (1 | subj) + (1 + prec | item)
  fit(MixedModel, form, kb07; contrasts)
Est. SE z p σ_item σ_subj
(Intercept) 2181.8526 77.4681 28.16 <1e-99 364.7125 298.0259
spkr: old 67.8790 16.0785 4.22 <1e-04
prec: maintain -333.7906 47.4472 -7.03 <1e-11 252.5212
load: yes 78.5904 16.0785 4.89 <1e-05
Residual 680.0319
Column Variance Std.Dev Corr.
item (Intercept) 133015.244 364.713
prec: maintain 63766.937 252.521 -0.70
subj (Intercept) 88819.437 298.026
Residual 462443.388 680.032

These two models are nested and can be compared with a likelihood-ratio test.

MixedModels.likelihoodratiotest(kbm02, kbm01)
model-dof deviance χ² χ²-dof P(>χ²)
rt_trunc ~ 1 + spkr + prec + load + (1 | subj) + (1 + prec | item) 9 28664
rt_trunc ~ 1 + spkr + prec + load + spkr & prec + spkr & load + prec & load + spkr & prec & load + (1 + spkr + prec + load | subj) + (1 + spkr + prec + load | item) 29 28638 26 20 0.1698

The p-value of approximately 17% leads us to prefer the simpler model, kbm02, to the more complex, kbm01.

2 A bootstrap sample

Create a bootstrap sample of a few thousand parameter estimates from the reduced model. The pseudo-random number generator is initialized to a fixed value for reproducibility.

kbm02samp = parametricbootstrap(2000, kbm02)
kbm02tbl = kbm02samp.tbl
Table with 14 columns and 2000 rows:
      obj      β1       β2       β3        β4       σ        σ1       σ2       ⋯
 1  │ 28769.9  2152.69  60.3921  -359.134  54.1231  702.318  421.681  212.916  ⋯
 2  │ 28775.3  2221.81  61.7318  -349.417  71.1992  697.028  442.812  278.931  ⋯
 3  │ 28573.6  2325.31  53.9668  -404.225  81.3407  657.746  364.354  274.392  ⋯
 4  │ 28682.9  2274.65  52.9438  -384.66   69.6788  682.801  398.901  319.725  ⋯
 5  │ 28616.1  2191.34  54.7785  -357.919  111.829  673.878  253.244  235.912  ⋯
 6  │ 28634.1  2176.73  95.9793  -378.383  82.1559  671.685  510.996  309.876  ⋯
 7  │ 28620.4  2128.07  57.6928  -267.747  60.4621  666.986  396.878  295.009  ⋯
 8  │ 28665.9  2152.59  55.8208  -274.382  76.5128  684.746  369.091  274.446  ⋯
 9  │ 28651.2  2088.3   76.4636  -296.14   95.6124  680.282  265.684  186.041  ⋯
 10 │ 28679.9  2375.23  72.2422  -423.922  94.0833  680.729  425.72   287.686  ⋯
 11 │ 28686.8  2034.11  59.9149  -224.859  59.5448  682.433  308.677  272.183  ⋯
 12 │ 28702.2  2130.98  83.3953  -271.61   79.974   689.679  401.98   264.258  ⋯
 13 │ 28625.0  2055.35  55.3526  -363.937  67.7128  676.817  309.149  265.788  ⋯
 14 │ 28570.3  2160.73  81.5575  -321.913  108.979  661.525  426.862  259.819  ⋯
 15 │ 28613.6  2237.73  36.9996  -362.443  82.1812  673.873  312.859  241.592  ⋯
 16 │ 28681.4  2306.64  43.8801  -429.983  103.082  686.437  360.536  204.514  ⋯
 17 │ 28577.2  2143.78  66.2959  -373.598  93.157   668.15   321.469  183.119  ⋯
 18 │ 28616.1  2197.03  55.9111  -356.06   74.1476  675.709  302.678  212.917  ⋯
 19 │ 28771.6  2067.71  56.5032  -324.984  64.804   699.136  344.776  225.602  ⋯
 20 │ 28674.3  2181.99  40.6566  -251.315  63.1301  683.81   340.569  295.054  ⋯
 21 │ 28677.6  2129.89  72.7198  -245.006  84.7693  681.415  359.093  287.654  ⋯
 22 │ 28582.1  2179.8   74.8364  -405.798  68.2978  664.168  357.696  231.402  ⋯
 23 │ 28714.9  2326.34  74.7091  -400.441  67.79    692.381  354.032  259.052  ⋯
 ⋮  │    ⋮        ⋮        ⋮        ⋮         ⋮        ⋮        ⋮        ⋮     ⋱

One of the uses of such a sample is to form “confidence intervals” on the parameters by obtaining the shortest interval that covers a given proportion (95%, by default) of the sample.

DictTable with 2 columns and 9 rows:
 par   lower      upper
 β1  │ 2028.01    2337.92
 β2  │ 38.431     99.5944
 β3  │ -439.321   -245.864
 β4  │ 46.0262    107.511
 ρ1  │ -0.897984  -0.445605
 σ   │ 655.25     701.497
 σ1  │ 261.196    448.51
 σ2  │ 175.489    312.045
 σ3  │ 228.099    357.789

A sample like this can be used for more than just creating an interval because it approximates the distribution of the estimator. For the fixed-effects parameters the estimators are close to being normally distributed, Figure 1.

  data(kbm02samp.β) * mapping(:β; color=:coefname) * AlgebraOfGraphics.density();
  figure=(; resolution=(800, 450)),
Figure 1: Comparative densities of the fixed-effects coefficients in kbm02samp
let pars = ["σ1", "σ2", "σ3"]
    data(kbm02tbl) *
    mapping(pars .=> "σ"; color=dims(1) => renamer(pars)) *
    figure=(; resolution=(800, 450)),
Figure 2: Density plot of bootstrap samples standard deviation of random effects
  data(kbm02tbl) *
  mapping(:ρ1 => "Correlation") *
  figure=(; resolution=(800, 450)),
Figure 3: Density plot of correlation parameters in bootstrap sample from model kbm02

3 References

Kronmüller, E., & Barr, D. J. (2007). Perspective-free pragmatics: Broken precedents and the recovery-from-preemption hypothesis. Journal of Memory and Language, 56(3), 436–455.
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