RePsychLing Kliegl et al. (2011)


Reinhold Kliegl



1 Background

We take the kwdyz11 dataset (Kliegl et al., 2011) from an experiment looking at three effects of visual cueing under four different cue-target relations (CTRs). Two horizontal rectangles are displayed above and below a central fixation point or they displayed in vertical orientation to the left and right of the fixation point. Subjects react to the onset of a small visual target occurring at one of the four ends of the two rectangles. The target is cued validly on 70% of trials by a brief flash of the corner of the rectangle at which it appears; it is cued invalidly at the three other locations 10% of the trials each.

We specify three contrasts for the four-level factor CTR that are derived from spatial, object-based, and attractor-like features of attention. They map onto sequential differences between appropriately ordered factor levels. At the level of fixed effects, there is the noteworthy result, that the attraction effect was estimated at 2 ms, that is clearly not significant. Nevertheless, there was a highly reliable variance component (VC) estimated for this effect. Moreover, the reliable individual differences in the attraction effect were negatively correlated with those in the spatial effect.

Unfortunately, a few years after the publication, we determined that the reported LMM is actually singular and that the singularity is linked to a theoretically critical correlation parameter (CP) between the spatial effect and the attraction effect. Fortunately, there is also a larger dataset kkl15 from a replication and extension of this study (Kliegl et al., 2015), analyzed with kkl15.jl notebook. The critical CP (along with other fixed effects and CPs) was replicated in this study.

A more comprehensive analysis was reported in the parsimonious mixed-model paper (Bates et al., 2015). Data and R scripts are also available in R-package RePsychLing. In this and the complementary kkl15.jl scripts, we provide some corresponding analyses with MixedModels.jl.

2 Packages

using AlgebraOfGraphics
using AlgebraOfGraphics: density
using CairoMakie
using CategoricalArrays
using Chain
using DataFrames
using DataFrameMacros
using Distributions
using MixedModels
using MixedModelsMakie
using Random
using SMLP2024: dataset
using StatsBase

3 Read data, compute and plot densities and means

dat = DataFrame(dataset(:kwdyz11))
5×7 DataFrame
Row variable mean min median max nmissing eltype
Symbol Union… Any Union… Any Int64 DataType
1 Item I002 I603 0 String
2 Subj S01 S61 0 String
3 CTR dod val 0 String
4 dir hor ver 0 String
5 rt 370.426 150.1 358.6 705.7 0 Float32

We recommend to code the levels/units of random factor / grouping variable not as a number, but as a string starting with a letter and of the same length for all levels/units.

We also recommend to sort levels of factors into a meaningful order, that is overwrite the default alphabetic ordering. This is also a good place to choose alternative names for variables in the context of the present analysis.

The LMM analysis is based on log-transformed reaction times lrt, indicated by a boxcox() check of model residuals. With the exception of diagnostic plots of model residuals, the analysis of untransformed reaction times did not lead to different results and exhibited the same problems of model identification (see Kliegl et al., 2011).

Comparative density plots of all response times by cue-target relation, Figure 1, show the times for valid cues to be faster than for the other conditions.

  data(dat) *
    :rt => log => "log(Reaction time [ms])";
    color=:CTR =>
      renamer("val" => "valid cue", "sod" => "some obj/diff pos", "dos" => "diff obj/same pos", "dod" => "diff obj/diff pos") => "Cue-target relation",
  ) *
Figure 1: Comparative density plots of log reaction time for different cue-target relations.

An alternative visualization without overlap of the conditions can be accomplished with ridge plots.

To be done

For the next set of plots we average subjects’ data within the four experimental conditions. This table could be used as input for a repeated-measures ANOVA.

dat_subj = combine(
  groupby(dat, [:Subj, :CTR]),
  :rt => length => :n,
  :rt => mean => :rt_m,
  :rt => (r -> mean(log, r)) => :lrt_m,
dat_subj.CTR = categorical(dat_subj.CTR, levels=levels(dat.CTR))
244×5 DataFrame
219 rows omitted
Row Subj CTR n rt_m lrt_m
String Cat… Int64 Float32 Float32
1 S01 val 330 413.332 6.01272
2 S01 sod 48 437.721 6.0682
3 S01 dos 47 443.366 6.08269
4 S01 dod 45 434.316 6.06079
5 S02 val 333 365.899 5.87511
6 S02 sod 47 396.149 5.95916
7 S02 dos 46 439.487 6.06949
8 S02 dod 48 441.042 6.06883
9 S03 val 336 371.446 5.90489
10 S03 sod 46 446.854 6.09464
11 S03 dos 48 471.302 6.14287
12 S03 dod 47 476.532 6.15706
13 S04 val 336 403.181 5.99124
233 S59 val 330 313.032 5.72433
234 S59 sod 46 304.852 5.70367
235 S59 dos 48 342.612 5.80927
236 S59 dod 47 308.191 5.71206
237 S60 val 330 372.835 5.90832
238 S60 sod 48 382.087 5.93183
239 S60 dos 44 395.109 5.96918
240 S60 dod 47 387.689 5.95208
241 S61 val 320 312.374 5.72542
242 S61 sod 45 383.002 5.92798
243 S61 dos 45 357.998 5.85563
244 S61 dod 46 391.087 5.95344
        "valid cue",
        "same obj/diff pos",
        "diff obj/same pos",
        "diff obj/diff pos",
  figure=(; resolution=(800, 300)),
┌ Warning: Found `resolution` in the theme when creating a `Scene`. The `resolution` keyword for `Scene`s and `Figure`s has been deprecated. Use `Figure(; size = ...` or `Scene(; size = ...)` instead, which better reflects that this is a unitless size and not a pixel resolution. The key could also come from `set_theme!` calls or related theming functions.
└ @ Makie ~/.julia/packages/Makie/WgbrE/src/scenes.jl:227
Figure 2: Comparative boxplots of log response time by cue-target relation.

Mean of log reaction times for four cue-target relations. Targets appeared at (a) the cued position (valid) in a rectangle, (b) in the same rectangle cue, but at its other end, (c) on the second rectangle, but at a corresponding horizontal/vertical physical distance, or (d) at the other end of the second rectangle, that is \(\sqrt{2}\) of horizontal/vertical distance diagonally across from the cue, that is also at larger physical distance compared to (c).

A better alternative to the boxplot is a dotplot. It also displays subjects’ condition means.

To be done

4 Linear mixed model

contrasts = Dict(
  :CTR => SeqDiffCoding(; levels=["val", "sod", "dos", "dod"]),
m1 = let
  form = @formula(log(rt) ~ 1 + CTR + (1 + CTR | Subj))
  fit(MixedModel, form, dat; contrasts)
Est. SE z p σ_Subj
(Intercept) 5.9358 0.0185 320.53 <1e-99 0.1441
CTR: sod 0.0878 0.0084 10.48 <1e-24 0.0582
CTR: dos 0.0366 0.0062 5.92 <1e-08 0.0274
CTR: dod -0.0086 0.0060 -1.43 0.1515 0.0249
Residual 0.1920
Column Variance Std.Dev Corr.
Subj (Intercept) 0.0207654 0.1441021
CTR: sod 0.0033849 0.0581795 +0.48
CTR: dos 0.0007529 0.0274399 -0.24 -0.15
CTR: dod 0.0006220 0.0249409 +0.30 +0.93 -0.43
Residual 0.0368543 0.1919748

LMM m1 is not fully supported by the data; it is overparameterized. This is also visible in the PCA: only three, not four PCS are needed to account for all the variance and covariance in the random-effect structure. The problem is the +.93 CP for spatial sod and attraction dod effects.


Principal components based on correlation matrix
 (Intercept)   1.0     .      .      .
 CTR: sod      0.48   1.0     .      .
 CTR: dos     -0.24  -0.15   1.0     .
 CTR: dod      0.3    0.93  -0.43   1.0

Normalized cumulative variances:
[0.5886, 0.8095, 1.0, 1.0]

Component loadings
                PC1   PC2    PC3    PC4
 (Intercept)  -0.4   0.04   0.9    0.17
 CTR: sod     -0.6   0.4   -0.16  -0.68
 CTR: dos      0.33  0.91   0.06   0.23
 CTR: dod     -0.61  0.08  -0.41   0.68

5 Diagnostic plots of LMM residuals

Do model residuals meet LMM assumptions? Classic plots are

  • Residual over fitted
  • Quantiles of model residuals over theoretical quantiles of normal distribution

5.1 Residual-over-fitted plot

The slant in residuals show a lower and upper boundary of reaction times, that is we have have too few short and too few long residuals. Not ideal, but at least width of the residual band looks similar across the fitted values, that is there is no evidence for heteroskedasticity.

  data((; f=fitted(m1), r=residuals(m1))) *
  mapping(:f => "Fitted values", :r => "Residual from model m1") *
Figure 3: Residuals versus the fitted values for model m1 of the log response time.

With many observations the scatterplot is not that informative. Contour plots or heatmaps may be an alternative.

  data((; f=fitted(m1), r=residuals(m1))) *
    :f => "Fitted log response time", :r => "Residual from model m1"
  ) *
Figure 4: Heatmap of residuals versus fitted values for model m1

5.2 Q-Q plot

The plot of quantiles of model residuals over corresponding quantiles of the normal distribution should yield a straight line along the main diagonal.

qqnorm(residuals(m1); qqline=:none)

5.3 Observed and theoretical normal distribution

The violation of expectation is again due to the fact that the distribution of residuals is much narrower than expected from a normal distribution, as shown in Figure 5. Overall, it does not look too bad.

  n = nrow(dat)
  dat_rz = DataFrame(;
    value=vcat(residuals(m1) ./ std(residuals(m1)), randn(n)),
    curve=vcat(fill.("residual", n), fill.("normal", n)),
    data(dat_rz) *
    mapping(:value => "Standardized residuals"; color=:curve) *
    density(; bandwidth=0.1);
Figure 5: Kernel density plot of the standardized residuals from model m1 compared to a Gaussian

6 Conditional modes

Now we move on to visualizations that are based on model parameters and subjects’ data, that is “predictions” of the LMM for subject’s GM and experimental effects. Three important plots are

  • Overlay
  • Caterpillar
  • Shrinkage

6.1 Overlay

The first plot overlays shrinkage-corrected conditional modes of the random effects with within-subject-based and pooled GMs and experimental effects.

To be done

6.2 Caterpillar plot

The caterpillar plot, Figure 6, also reveals the high correlation between spatial sod and attraction dod effects.

  Figure(; resolution=(800, 1000)), ranefinfo(m1, :Subj); orderby=2
┌ Warning: Found `resolution` in the theme when creating a `Scene`. The `resolution` keyword for `Scene`s and `Figure`s has been deprecated. Use `Figure(; size = ...` or `Scene(; size = ...)` instead, which better reflects that this is a unitless size and not a pixel resolution. The key could also come from `set_theme!` calls or related theming functions.
└ @ Makie ~/.julia/packages/Makie/WgbrE/src/scenes.jl:227
Figure 6: Prediction intervals on the random effects for Subj in model m1

6.3 Shrinkage plot

Figure 7 provides more evidence for a problem with the visualization of the spatial sod and attraction dod CP. The corresponding panel illustrates an implosion of conditional modes.

shrinkageplot!(Figure(; resolution=(1000, 1000)), m1)
┌ Warning: Found `resolution` in the theme when creating a `Scene`. The `resolution` keyword for `Scene`s and `Figure`s has been deprecated. Use `Figure(; size = ...` or `Scene(; size = ...)` instead, which better reflects that this is a unitless size and not a pixel resolution. The key could also come from `set_theme!` calls or related theming functions.
└ @ Makie ~/.julia/packages/Makie/WgbrE/src/scenes.jl:227
Figure 7: Shrinkage plot of the conditional means of the random effects for model m1

7 Parametric bootstrap

Here we

  • generate a bootstrap sample
  • compute shortest covergage intervals for the LMM parameters
  • plot densities of bootstrapped parameter estimates for residual, fixed effects, variance components, and correlation parameters

7.1 Generate a bootstrap sample

We generate 2500 samples for the 15 model parameters (4 fixed effect, 4 VCs, 6 CPs, and 1 residual).

samp = parametricbootstrap(2500, m1)
tbl = samp.tbl
Table with 26 columns and 2500 rows:
      obj       β1       β2         β3         β4            σ         ⋯
 1  │ -12802.3  5.93392  0.0864217  0.0488883  -0.0121833    0.192002  ⋯
 2  │ -12794.3  5.95776  0.0989839  0.0318746  -0.00666145   0.191977  ⋯
 3  │ -12930.6  5.93669  0.0885609  0.0209792  -0.000657468  0.191496  ⋯
 4  │ -12946.5  5.93165  0.0767127  0.0343559  -0.00499478   0.191438  ⋯
 5  │ -12677.5  5.91938  0.0984594  0.0272951  -0.00555743   0.19247   ⋯
 6  │ -12869.7  5.96313  0.104457   0.0321632  -0.00719275   0.191751  ⋯
 7  │ -12478.1  5.9328   0.0947867  0.0409707  -0.00461589   0.193076  ⋯
 8  │ -12463.7  5.94439  0.0977165  0.0321098  -0.00625459   0.193115  ⋯
 9  │ -12836.2  5.9728   0.097135   0.0416619  6.12029e-5    0.191843  ⋯
 10 │ -12932.3  5.94709  0.0742452  0.0505274  -0.013146     0.191583  ⋯
 11 │ -12736.2  5.93625  0.0728171  0.0479427  -0.0183158    0.192193  ⋯
 12 │ -13048.0  5.89421  0.0680602  0.0481655  -0.0214151    0.191101  ⋯
 13 │ -13313.8  5.92608  0.0892319  0.0473893  -0.014168     0.190142  ⋯
 14 │ -12575.0  5.89235  0.0846171  0.0341531  -0.00613035   0.192728  ⋯
 15 │ -12833.1  5.94217  0.0774874  0.0422344  -0.0027895    0.191772  ⋯
 16 │ -12504.5  5.94385  0.0898019  0.0429787  -0.00705644   0.192833  ⋯
 17 │ -12875.5  5.96624  0.0976097  0.0370807  -0.000718832  0.191576  ⋯
 ⋮  │    ⋮         ⋮         ⋮          ⋮           ⋮           ⋮      ⋱

7.2 Shortest coverage interval

The upper limit of the interval for the critical CP CTR: sod, CTR: dod is hitting the upper wall of a perfect correlation. This is evidence of singularity. The other intervals do not exhibit such pathologies; they appear to be ok.

DictTable with 2 columns and 15 rows:
 par   lower       upper
 β1  │ 5.89917     5.97256
 β2  │ 0.0719307   0.104588
 β3  │ 0.025118    0.0491669
 β4  │ -0.020718   0.00268307
 ρ1  │ 0.24195     0.711149
 ρ2  │ -0.919044   0.246906
 ρ3  │ -0.656875   0.568639
 ρ4  │ -0.138154   0.739278
 ρ5  │ 0.576401    0.999995
 ρ6  │ -0.896249   0.436056
 σ   │ 0.19051     0.19359
 σ1  │ 0.116563    0.168573
 σ2  │ 0.0455201   0.0708063
 σ3  │ 0.00940455  0.0409625
 σ4  │ 0.0132246   0.0375961

7.3 Comparative density plots of bootstrapped parameter estimates

7.4 Residual

  data(tbl) *
  mapping(:σ => "Residual standard deviation") *

7.5 Fixed effects (w/o GM)

The shortest coverage interval for the GM ranges from 376 to 404 ms. To keep the plot range small we do not include its density here.

labels = [
  "CTR: sod" => "spatial effect",
  "CTR: dos" => "object effect",
  "CTR: dod" => "attraction effect",
  "(Intercept)" => "grand mean",
  data(tbl) *
    [:β2, :β3, :β4] .=> "Experimental effect size [ms]";
    color=dims(1) => renamer(["spatial", "object", "attraction"] .* " effect") =>
    "Experimental effects",
  ) *
Figure 9: Comparative density plots of the fixed-effects parameters for model m1

The densitiies correspond nicely with the shortest coverage intervals.

7.6 Variance components (VCs)

  data(tbl) *
    [:σ1, :σ2, :σ3, :σ4] .=> "Standard deviations [ms]";
    color=dims(1) =>
    renamer(append!(["Grand mean"],["spatial", "object", "attraction"] .* " effect")) =>
    "Variance components",
  ) *
Figure 10: Comparative density plots of the variance components for model m1

The VC are all very nicely defined.

7.7 Correlation parameters (CPs)

  labels = [
    "(Intercept), CTR: sod" => "GM, spatial",
    "(Intercept), CTR: dos" => "GM, object",
    "CTR: sod, CTR: dos" => "spatial, object",
    "(Intercept), CTR: dod" => "GM, attraction",
    "CTR: sod, CTR: dod" => "spatial, attraction",
    "CTR: dos, CTR: dod" => "object, attraction",
    data(tbl) *
      [:ρ1, :ρ2, :ρ3, :ρ4, :ρ5, :ρ6] .=> "Correlation";
      color=dims(1) => renamer(last.(labels)) => "Correlation parameters",
    ) *
Figure 11: Comparative density plots of the correlation parameters for model m1

Two of the CPs stand out positively. First, the correlation between GM and the spatial effect is well defined. Second, as discussed throughout this script, the CP between spatial and attraction effect is close to the 1.0 border and clearly not well defined. Therefore, this CP will be replicated with a larger sample in script kkl15.jl (Kliegl et al., 2015).

8 References

Bates, D., Kliegl, R., Vasishth, S., & Baayen, H. (2015). Parsimonious mixed models. arXiv.
Kliegl, R., Kushela, J., & Laubrock, J. (2015). Object orientation and target size modulate the speed of visual attention. Department of Psychology, University of Potsdam.
Kliegl, R., Wei, P., Dambacher, M., Yan, M., & Zhou, X. (2011). Experimental effects and individual differences in linear mixed models: Estimating the relationship between spatial, object, and attraction effects in visual attention. Frontiers in Psychology.
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